The Planetary
By Abjini Arraíz

Editor's Note: On August 20, 2005, Luis Prada
channeled Ashtar of the Ashtar Command to receive instructions for the planting of a quartz crystal in the Mojave Desert.
This was the third channeling by telepathic reception he did that was actually recorded. The previous
two were done unrecorded for the planting of a crystal in Mount Shasta that was done on Sunday August 14, 2005 by a Hispanic group led by Luis Prada. You may download this recording. Click the hyperlink, takes few
minutes to download. Spanish only —Ashtar Shehran Channeling, 8-20-05, Download here . This work is part of a planetary project of Ishtar Antares and the Pleiadians.
Original in Spanish, translation by Luis E. Prada.

The planetary grid concept is not new, in antiquity Plato spoke about this in his
work Timaeus as "the ideal body of cosmos" and explains the grid as the synthesis of the platonic solids. Also in other of
his discourses he compares it with a leather ball made of twelve pieces, similar to the ones we know today as Football.
From the birth of our planet the grid that covered the Earth was formed over the matrix of the sacred geometry of the five platonic solids, as emanation of creation. Plato believed
that the basic structure of the Earth was in a process of evolution from simple geometric forms to other more complex. In
the order of complexity the five patterns, according to the theory of Plato, that formed the blocks of the crystalline matrix
are: The tetrahedron (4 sides), the hexahedron or cube (6 sides),
the octahedron (8 sides), the dodecahedron (12 sides) and the icosahedron
(20 sides). Plato expounded that Earth was evolving to an icosahedran grid. [See Fig. 1.]

From the Book: "Awakening
to Zero Point" by Gregg Braden
Fig. 1. Platonic Solids
For a long time these planetary grids were forgotten until in the last years through
the remembering of some and the channeling of others it was started to be spoken of the existence of a Christed
grid or spiritual grid that will support us in the change of the planetary consciousness
we are living in today. And fulfilling the hermetic principle as above/so below the appearance of the Internet
also proves that the spiritual grid has been materialized in other technological grid, created by the human hand, that today
shortens the distances of the world. Let us say, all that is created or thought of is finally manifested in our dimension.
But Plato was only referring to the geometric grid of the planet, we can say today
that there are four known grids around our planet influencing human life. These, even though separate and functioning
independently, are related in a sort of interaction where any change that occurs to any of them, affects the others.

So we have: (1) the magnetic/gravitational,
(2) the telluric, (3) the electric, and (4) the one of light/consciousness.
It is known as magnetosphere and is the one that maintains us in our gravitational
field around the Sun, it is intimately linked to our star, its energy is feminine. It is the one that maintains gravity
and has been quite amply studied by science. It has the shape of a doughnut or toroid, it is of a magnetic nature as its name
tells, and its size and form vary with the solar radiation. Its poles North and South are like two great cones,
we may recognize the cone in the North with the phenomenon of the Aurora Borealis. This grid is connected to the magnetic
axis of the Earth. Lately there have been a lot of talking about it because the variations of its axis might eventually
produce what the scientists call magnetic Chaos, and others, change of dimension. Because of its feminine nature is
a grid associated with emotions, therefore one of the consequences of its instability is also the emotional chaos. In
the last years and due to its variations as a consequence of solar explosions and other internal changes of our sun we have
lived an erratic swings of its axis to which many attribute the changes and polarization we have been living through.
It is a grid linked to the collective unconscious, it is also
of feminine nature, it is an emotional reflection. At the physical level it
is a lattice of lines that extends on geological faults on one side and geopathogenic zones on the other, these lines are
irregular and are generated by two very powerful planetary forces. The first force, the telluric, which is responsible of
the adjustments of the Earth's crust, its energies are immense and are released by the geological faults, the subterranean
water currents and magma, it is like the circulatory system of Gaia, its vital force. The other force
is the geopathogenic lines that form a lattice with the telluric ones, these are the ones being created by the accumulation
of disharmonic energy, let us say, they are like the wrinkles and the experience of the Earth.
These lines form in places where there have been conflicts, wars, slaughter, death and pain, they are
the footprint of these facts that leave a sort of imprinted energetic pattern that makes those energies happen again and again
in those same places, are like the scars on the earth. In antiquity this grid was known, that is why it
was avoided to found cities or construct houses over the subterranean currents and the geological faults, as well as in the
cemeteries and battle fields, knowledge also forgotten by the Westerners with the passing of time, and what has made that
many of our great cities have been constructed over geological faults, for that unconscious necessity of the human being of
living in intensely energetic places. Today the new science of Geobiology seeks consciously to heal these terrestrial
marks and to change those disharmonic energies.
It is formed by lines created by our civilization with the use of electricity,
of high voltage, microwaves, television and radio waves. The name of Hartman was also given to this grid, after the
last name of the German physicians that took the task of measuring it, to know its influence over their patients with illnesses such as cancer. Physically it is an electric lattice formed by lines of 8.25 inches
(21 cm.) wide approximately, that create rectangles from 2 to 2.5 meters (6.56 ft. to 8.2 ft.),
this one prolongs vertically arriving in some places to great heights where it feeds off of the relaying antennas of microwaves
and the high voltage towers. This grid is like a reservoir where all the human-created electric energies are poured
into and it has been determined that its points of intersection may be damaging to health if we stay over them for long periods
of time.
It is an artificial electric grid through which an enormous amount of energy flows.
It is of masculine character.
At the beginning of the Twentieth Century the theologian Teilhard de Chardin with his vision of the future foresaw this grid and called it the
technosphere; other visionary, José Argüelles, has also taken this name developing
many theories over its existence and predicting its demise at the fall of the Twin Towers (9/11/01) that according to him represented the symbol of this grid.
[Comment by Luis Prada: The Twin Towers of the World Trade Center were micro
cities with powerful electric systems. They certainly represented the electric grid that will be demised with the free-energy technology of the vacuum, the inexhaustible source of electromagnetic energy of the
fourth dimension studied by Nikola Tesla, Tom Bearden, Bruce DePalma, Viktor Schauberger,
Mendel Sachs, John Hutchinson, Thomas Townsend Brown, and others, the zero-point energy.
Research it in the Web using these key words. I am giving you also some websites for further research:,,
, , , , , , , . See also this article by Dr. Peter Lindemann.]
Last we have the crystalline grid of the planet or ascension grid, this one is the
geometric grid of which we said before was mentioned by Plato. The grid of Christ consciousness
is of a bipolar nature, combines the feminine and
masculine energies, integrates emotions and information, light and love.
Physically it is an energetic structure that surrounds our planet reflecting and
amplifying the ascension of our levels of consciousness. It is a crystalline matrix of light, formed by
a dodecahedron and an icosahedron, one inside the other creating a great polyhedron converted into a sphere. It can
be visualized as a geodesic sphere formed by pentagons and triangles, glimmering as a faceted diamond. It is the crystalline seed of the new consciousness of the terrestrial star.
The grid of consciousness is anchored to the Earth at two axes. Great amount
of energy flows from the North axis to the outside and enters again at the South and extends by 90 Km. above the terrestrial
surface. It is a lattice of lines that has also been called ley lines; at the points of intersection
of them are created energy vortexes that in turn coincide with so called power places. It is a fractal
grid, let us say, it repeats infinitely to itself and it is of a holographic nature, let's say, any fragment
however minute contains the whole. This grid was also known to ancients and it is why many of the
monuments, religious sanctuaries and places of peregrination coincided with its lines.
It is called the Christ consciousness because it is an aspect
of the collective consciousness that recognizes itself as a one
only Being, it carries the potential of the Christ principle of unity. It is in that grid where is imprinted
all the necessary information to experiment the Christ consciousness.
The ley lines are the footprint on the Earth of the Christ consciousness grid.
In the places where these lines cross each other or where vectorially coincide it is produced a greater concentration of energy.
Our ancestors also knew of this concentration and many of the mystical and sacred sanctuaries
of antiquity were constructed over those coinciding points.
There exist maps of this grid where it is established a number of 62
main vortices around the world with their respective power places. Thus we can see that the number
1 is strategically located over the outlet of the Nile and that its
action area includes the pyramids of Gizah, Heliopolis in Egypt and Herod's temple in Jerusalem. Other key point of
the Christic grid is the number 18 that is located in the famous Bermuda
Triangle and under which influence are no just the Caribbean islands, but cities like México, Caracas and Bogotá.
That is why today many people feel the need to travel to those places and experiment
the energy by being there, they are places that power the consciousness and serve by charging us with energy. Since
in these places the Christ energy is powered, when we visit them we can feel or recognize this state of conscious union with
the all: The loving state of the oneness.
The grids reflect, and as an extension, regulate consciousness parameters of both,
Gaia and spirit. The magnetic and telluric grids have been adjusted and readjusted in repeated occasions
since the human being set foot over the terrestrial plane thousand of years ago and in the last years by the
magnetic entity Kryon. The grid of light and consciousness have evolved with the increment of consciousness.
It was since 1987 when Harmonic Convergence happened that our
planet was included in the so called Galactic Confederation, and from there the level of Earth's light
has been exponentially augmenting. The magnetic grid with the work of the entity Kryon was adjusted to clear
the veil that separates humans in their duality. The telluric grid has also been adjusted to increment the vibratory
rate in the sacred places. The grid of light or of ascension has also had its evolution towards
a more elaborate geometric model, capable of regulating a much more sophisticated code of light, turning into a much more
faceted and complex crystalline matrix compared with creation's sacred matrix called The Flower of Life [see Fig. 2] and more
in accordance with changes of DNA we are all experimenting.

From the Book: "Awakening to Zero Point"
by Gregg Braden
Fig. 2. The Flower of Life
It is through this geodesic crystalline matrix than in a not
too distant future the cities of light, that are suspended waiting for the dimensional change of our beloved
Gaia, will be anchored.